Zero two THREE (Tokyo)
Flower designer Namiko Kajitani established zero two THREE in 2016. Her designs are dynamic yet delicate, uniquely bringing out the hidden charm of flowers. In the past, she has also worked on styling for KINTO's new product launch exhibition. We visited her studio to find out about her design philosophy.

A traditional Japanese room was renovated to create her studio, and it is adjoined by her husband Keisuke Kajitani's architecture studio. The space features bare concrete walls and floor, as well as aged furnitures and accessories. The beauty of change overtime is a common theme throughout her studio and flower designs.

When working on a design, Namiko looks at the movement of plants imagining what kind of time and space they grew in. Some plants face straight up, while some have smooth curvy movement. A close observation of where plants come from and how they move is a starting point of her designs.

You can find this vase from HERE